The call will specifically give support to clinical and translational proposals that include clearly targeted technologies or projects to prevent, treat, monitor, or diagnose the COVID-19 disease. The Call will consider applications for Projects led by Spanish and Portuguese public or non-profit legal entities (universities, research centres, hospitals) with Assets or innovative approaches resulting from the research activity.
The evaluation process will be comprised of two steps:
(1) The application is initiated with a letter of intent;
(2) Pre-selected applications will then be invited to submit a full proposal that will undergo a deeper evaluation process concerning the following criteria: (a) Implementation feasibility, (b) Appropriate development roadmap, (c) Transfer potential of the Asset, and (d) Social Impact and Responsible Innovation.
The Call will provide financial support of up to EUR 300,000 for a maximum of 24 months. In addition, the non-financial and ad-hoc needs of each Project will be considered.
Projects must seek a clear social impact and answer a need linked to the current pandemic crisis generated by COVID-19.
Fecha limite 1ª Fase: April 15th for Letters of Intent