ERA-Net Neuron: “Multinational and translational research projects on cerebrovascular diseases including small vessels and brain barriers dysfunction”.
The ERA-Net NEURON Cofund2, as a funding platform focused on neurological and mental disorders, holds a strategic position in bringing pre-clinical and clinical research communities closer together and fostering translational research, while covering the entire value chain.
The aim of the call is to facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will address important translational questions in the areas of stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases including small vessels disease (CSVD) and the dysfunction of brain barriers.
Funding organisation: ISCIII (total budget: 1.150.000 €, funding project approx.: 4-6)
- Up to 175.000 € per partner (OH included)
- Up to 250.000 € per coordinator (OH included)
Preproposal deadline: 08/03/2022 (14:00 CET)
Final proposal deadline: 28/06/2022 (14:00 CET)
For more information click here.