Sobre el grupo

Investigador Principal

Isabel Nerín de la Puerta


Ana Muñoz Ruíz, M Pilar Samper Villagrasa, M Victoria Villaverde Royo, Rodrigo Córdoba García, Santiago Trueba Insa, Teresa Loranca Jiménez

Universidad de Zaragoza

Líneas de Investigación

Evaluación de tabaquismo pasivo

Tabaco y género

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Aznar E, Casas A, Montanes L, Escribano M, Aizpun J, Villagrasa P. Use of speckle tracking in the evaluation of late subclinical myocardial damage in survivors of childhood acute leukaemia. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018. 34(9): 1373 - 1381. 10.1007/s10554-018-1346-9.

Aznar E, Casas A, Escribano M, Montanes L, Aizpun J, Villagrasa P. Echocardiographic evolution of left ventricular function in childhood leukemia survivors. Curr Probl Cancer. 2018. 42(4): 397 - 408. 10.1016/j.currproblcancer.2018.07.012.

Iguacel I, Escartin L, Fernandez-Alvira J, Iglesia I, Labayen I, Moreno L, Samper M, Rodriguez G, CALINA Study Grp. Early life risk factors and their cumulative effects as predictors of overweight in Spanish children. Int. J. Public Health. 2018. 63(4): 501 - 512. 10.1007/s00038-018-1090-x.

Iguacel I, Fernandez-Alvira J, Labayen I, Moreno L, Samper M, Rodriguez G, CALINA Study. Social vulnerabilities as determinants of overweight in 2-, 4-and 6-year-old Spanish children. Eur. J. Public Health. 2018. 28(2): 289 - 295. 10.1093/eurpub/ckx095.

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