HE – EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2022
6 julio, 2022Research actions through actual costs grants following the call for proposals (EDF-2022-RA)
6 julio, 2022Fostering balanced brain circulation (BBC) – ERA Talents (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03)
The ERA Talents action aims to boost interoperability of careers and employability of research and innovation talents across sectors, with a centre of gravity in widening countries. Projects are expected to contribute to several of the following outcomes:
- Strengthened human capital base in R&I of Widening countries, with more entrepreneurial and better-trained researchers, innovators and other R&I talents;
- A more balanced talent circulation, both geographical and cross-sectoral;
- Boosted R&I capacity and R&I support capacity, as well as contribution to increased excellence of the research-performing organisation in widening countries;
- A more structured and impactful collaboration between academia and businesses;
- Increased set of research, entrepreneurial and other transferable skills and competences;
- Improved employability and sustainable career prospects of diverse talents within academia, industry and beyond.
The support under past Framework Programmes of trans-national and virtual access to RIs has opened to research communities across Europe state-of-the-art services and resources for their scientific activities. RIs are key players in the generation of knowledge and drivers of scientific excellence in Europe. In conjunction with the European Open Science Cloud and Technology Infrastructures, they are crucial enablers of research and innovation. The provision of services at EU level has been so far mainly organised per types of infrastructures or disciplines. The complexity and urgency of the socio-economic and environmental transition that Europe is facing requires interdisciplinary approaches and a new challenge-driven provision of customised services able to accelerate the pace of the research cycle and the delivery of solutions.
Cross-sectoral talent circulation and academia-business collaboration for knowledge transfer is requiring systematising and structuring efforts. Through ERA4You, as one of the ERA Policy Actions[1], the European Commission aims to support and incentivise such transformations, towards a more balanced circulation of talents, both trans-nationally and across sectors. Within this scope, ERA Talents aims to support training and mobility of researchers, innovators, and other research and innovation talents across sectors with a particular focus on widening countries. The grant covers expenses related to the ERA Talents participating organisations and individual talents hosted/seconded (administrative costs, training costs, travel and subsistence costs and salaries for seconded staff, and costs associated with dissemination & communication and transfer of knowledge).
Fecha limite: 15 November 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time.
Si estás interesado, puedes contactar con la oficina de proyectos internacionales a través de esta dirección de correo electrónico: internacional@iisaragon.es .