Más de 1.100 aragoneses padecen acné inverso, una enfermedad cutánea inflamatoria
3 julio, 2024Ebrains Call (4 Calls)
3 julio, 2024ISIDORe project is going under it’s third and last year of implementation (ending January 2025) and EATRIS is offering the last set of REGULATORY & IMMUNOMONITORING TNA (trans-national access) services at NO COST!
How to get these services?
- Select a call that matches your research line:
- Select an EATRIS service:
- Immuno monitoring and profiling (https://isidore-project.eu/services/immuno-monitoring-profiling/)
- Regulatory advice, trial preparation and advice on planning and design of clinical trials (https://isidore-project.eu/services/regulatory-advice-trial-preparation-access-to-european-clinical-trials/)
- Proceed with the pre-application process through the ISIDORe webpage and get your ISID_XXXX code
- Prepare your full application (download the Word form) for requesting EATRIS services and follow instructions here ( https://eatris.eu/projects/integrated-services-for-infectious-diseases-outbreak-research/)
Don’t miss this unique and last opportunity to boost your research for free!
Deadline: Open as long as funding remains available.