La oficina de proyectos internacionales del IIS Aragón ha creado este boletín mensual mediante el cual se va a informar de las convocatorias de proyectos que se encuentran abiertas, los eventos y las jornadas que puedan resultar interesantes al respecto para el personal investigador y de gestión.
Si quieres contactar con la oficina de proyectos internacionales puedes hacerlo a través de esta dirección de correo electrónico: .
Convocatorias abiertas
Open as long as funding remains available
ISIDORE project: call for proposals
ISIDORe can support your research project by providing you free access to their services. Consult our scientific strategy and apply to one of our calls for proposals below.
1. Vector borne diseases: The geographic and host ranges of vector-borne diseases are expanding, mostly due to anthropogenic factors. With rising temperatures and changing weather patterns, the risk of these diseases affecting increasingly large areas of the world will continue to rise, as reflected by the record number cases of dengue (including non-imported ones) and West Nile virus observed in Europe in 2022. The proposal has to be focused on at least one eligible vector-borne pathogen (see below and full full ISIDORe PPP list).
2. Respiratory pathogens: A large number of pathogens target the human respiratory tract, resulting in a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations including life-threatening acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). While serious respiratory infections are predominantly caused by RNA viruses, other types of pathogens can be involved. The modes of transmission of respiratory pathogens often give them a significant epidemic potential. The proposal has to be focused on at least one eligible respiratory pathogen, excluding SARS-CoV-2 (see below and full full ISIDORe PPP list).
3. Other pathogens with epidemic potential: Will the next global infectious threat be an orthopoxvirus, or an enterovirus? Will it be even caused by a known pathogen? Can we be ready for the next pathogen X? The ISIDORe consortium supports scientists with an interest in epidemic-prone pathogens, including pathogen X.
Call for Proposals for ERC Starting Grant (ERC-2024-STG).
The ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of their research proposal.
The Principal Investigators shall have successfully defended their first PhD at least 2 and up to 7 years prior to 1 January 2024. However, this period can be extended beyond 7 years in certain properly documented circumstances.
Starting Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 1 500 000 for a period of 5 years.
Please note that the deadline for the call ERC-2024-STG has been postponed from 24/10 to 07/11/2023.
IHI Call 4 (HORIZON-JU-IHI-2023-04-02-two-stage) is a two stage call for proposals with the following topics:
Topic 1: Expanding translational knowledge in minipigs: a path to reduce and replace non-human primates in non-clinical safety assessment.
Topic 2: Patient-centric blood sample collection to enable decentralized clinical trials and improve access to healthcare.
Topic 3: Inclusive clinical studies for equitable access to clinical research in Europe.
Topic 4: Establishing novel approaches to improve clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases.
Topic 5: Safe & Sustainable by Design (SSbD) packaging and single use device solutions for healthcare products.
Topic 6: Sustainable circular development and manufacturing of healthcare products and their quantitative impact assessment.
Call for proposals for ERC Synergy Grant (ERC-2024-SyG).
The aim is to provide support for a small group of two to four Principal Investigators to jointly addressambitious research problems that could not be addressed by the individual Principal Investigators and their teams working alone.
Synergy projects should enable substantial advances at the frontiers of knowledge, stemming, for example, from the cross-fertilization of scientific fields, from new productive lines of enquiry, or new methods and techniques, including unconventional approaches and investigations at the interface between established disciplines. The transformative research funded by Synergy Grants should have the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale.
Please note that the deadline for the call ERC-2024-SyG has been postponed from 15/11/2023 to 15/11/2023.
MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond. Type of actions:
A través de la presente convocatoria se pretende financiar proyectos de investigación preclínica y/o traslacional para la optimización del uso de la inmunoterapia contra el cáncer en la práctica clínica.
Los candidatos/as solicitantes, con independencia de su nacionalidad, deberán:
Estar vinculados como profesor/a ayudante doctor (o superior), con una institución sin ánimo de lucro de cualquier país del mundo.
Ser científicos/as cualificados con interés por explorar cuestiones clínicamente relevantes destinadas a mejorar la eficacia de las inmunoterapias en el tratamiento del cáncer.
Call for proposals for ERC Consolidator Grant (ERC-2024-COG)
Esta convocatoria está dirigida a investigadores e investigadoras que se encuentran en la etapa de su carrera, en la que todavía estén consolidando su propio equipo o programa de investigación independiente y continuar desarrollando, así, una carrera exitosa en Europa.
Está abierta al personal investigador de cualquier nacionalidad con 7 a 12 años de experiencia desde la finalización del doctorado, siempre y cuando su institución de acogida esté ubicada en un Estado Miembro o País Asociado. La lectura de su tesis ha de haberse realizado entre el 01/01/2012 y el 31/12/2016. Se puede obtener ampliación de esta ventana de elegibilidad en casos concretos.
En esta convocatoria se financian proyectos en la frontera del conocimiento con un presupuesto de hasta 2 millones de euros para un periodo de 5 años.
Full proposal MAY
ERA4Health: Modulation of brain ageing through nutrition and healthy lifestyle (NutriBrain)
The Partnership “Fostering a European Research Area for Health” (ERA4Health) aims at establishing a flexible and effective coordination between funding organisations in the European Research Area (ERA) for Health and Well-being.
The aim of the NutriBrain call is to support transnational research projects that focus on the improvement of cognitive brain ageing through nutrition and other lifestyle factors.
Research projects should gain further insights into the modulation of brain aging by lifestyle factors and/or pilot test interventions based on the existing evidence in the literature or upscale existing pilot interventions that will help to lower the risk of cognitive impairment manifestations related to a pathological brain ageing.
- Funding organization: ISCIII.
- Webinar of the call: 10/11/2023.
-This call will be announced 03/11/2023 and submission system will be open from 10/11/2023.
IHI – Call 5 (HORIZON-JU-IHI-2023-05) is a single-stage call for proposals with the following topics:
Topic 1: Accelerating the implementation of New Approach Methodologies and other innovative non-animal approaches for the development, testing and production of health technologies.
Topic 2: Development and proof of principle of new clinical applications of theranostics solutions.
Topic 3: Improved prediction, detection, and treatment approaches for comprehensive stroke management
Topic 4: Maximising the potential of synthetic data generation in healthcare applications
Full proposal JUN
ERA4Health: Nano and advanced technologies for disease prevention, diagnostic and therapy (NANOTECMEC)
The Partnership “Fostering a European Research Area for Health” (ERA4Health) aims at establishing a flexible and effective coordination between funding organisations in the European Research Area (ERA) for Health and Well-being. NANOTECMEC project proposals will address multidisciplinary and translational research. The participation of Medical Doctors and clinicians is strongly encouraged. SMEs (Small and Medium-size Enterprises) are also strongly encouraged to participate.
The applications must cover at least one of the following nanomedicine areas that are of equal relevance for this call:
a) Regenerative medicine
b) Diagnostics
c) Nanotherapy
- Funding organization: ISCIII and AEI. - This call will be announced 14/11/2023 and submission system will be open from 21/11/2023. - Webminar of the call: 21/11/2023.
Call for proposal MSCA COFUND (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-COFUND-01-01) co-finances new or existing doctoral programmes and postdoctoral fellowship schemes with the aim of spreading the best practices of the MSCA including international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as international and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.
In practice, MSCA COFUND provides complementary funding for doctoral or postdoctoral programmes managed by entities established in EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries. Those co-funded programmes must follow MSCA’s good practice in terms of international recruitment and minimum standard of employment for the recruited fellows as described in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
Call for proposal MSCA Staff Exchanges (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01-01) promote innovative international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through exchanging staff and sharing knowledge and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain. The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps turn ideas into innovative products, services or processes. It is open to research, technical, administrative and managerial staff supporting R&I activities.
Eleventh EDCTP Forum 7-10 noviembre de 2023 | Registro
Del 7 al 10 de noviembre de 2023 tendrá lugar en París el 11º Foro EDCTP, con la siguiente temática: “Partnering for Global Health Research Innovation and Impact in Africa - Celebrating EDCTP: two decades and beyond”. Este Foro marcará el 20º aniversario de EDCTP y tendrá lugar en Francia. Contará con el apoyo conjunto del segundo programa EDCTP (EDCTP2) y de la Empresa Común EDCTP3 de Salud Global (EC GH EDCTP3). Se esperan 600 participantes en Paris y en algunas sesiones será posible la participación online.
INCISIVE: “Inteligencia artificial y cáncer: Impulsar oportunidades y superar desafíos” // “AI and Cancer: Unleashing Opportunities, Overcoming Challenges” 7 noviembre de 2023 | Registro
El proyecto europeo INCISIVE, dedicado a mejorar el diagnóstico y la predicción del cáncer mediante el uso de la inteligencia artificial y el uso de datos de imágenes de cáncer, organiza un evento en el que se reunirán los socios que forman parte de “AI for Health Imaging cluster (AI4HI)”, es decir, aquellos socios que actualmente participan y trabajan en los proyectos europeos: INCISIVE, CHAIMELEON, EuCanImage, ProCancer-I, PRIMAGE y EUCAIM, relacionados con dicha temática. Se tratará de una sesión dinámica en la que participarán todo tipo de stakeholders (clínicos, expertos legales y en inteligencia artificial, empresas pioneras, asociaciones de pacientes…) y en la que se abordará cómo la Inteligencia Artificial puede transformar los desafíos del cáncer en grandes oportunidades para la salud global.
Dicho evento tendrá lugar la mañana del 7 de noviembre en formato híbrido (presencial en TheCUBE Madrid).
El próximo día 11 de noviembre, de 15:00 a 17:00,tendrá lugar un infoday para dar a conocer la convocatoria ERA4HEalth NutriBrain, coincidiendo la apertura del sistema para la presentación de las prepropuestas: Info session on the Joint Transnational Call “Modulation of brain ageing through nutrition and healthy lifestyle (NutriBrain)”.
Webinar infoday: ERA4Health calls: Nanotecmec 21 noviembre de 2023 | Más información
El próximo día 21 de noviembre tendrá lugar un infoday para dar a conocer la convocatoria ERA4HEalth Nanotecmec, coincidiendo la apertura del sistema para la presentación de las prepropuestas.
ERA-LEARN Partnership Stakeholder Forum 2023 5 y 6 diciembre de 2023 | Más información
La Dirección General de Investigación e Innovación de la CE, con el apoyo de ERA-LEARN, está organizando el “Partnership Stakeholder Forum 2023” que tendrá lugar el 5 y 6 de diciembre en Bruselas. El evento, centrado en los partenariados de Horizonte Europa, reunirá a todas las partes interesadas para discutir aspectos políticos y prácticos, y proporcionará una vía para establecer contactos y compartir experiencias.
Objetivos del evento: Revisar el estado actual de la implementación de los partenariados europeos lanzados en el marco del primer Plan Estratégico, así como las primeras lecciones aprendidas de la evaluación intermedia de Horizonte Europa.
Presentar y discutir la ampliación de la cartera de partenariados en el marco del segundo Plan Estratégico.
Mantener un primer intercambio de opiniones de cara al próximo Programa Marco.
En la agenda habrá una combinación de sesiones plenarias y paralelas. Se brindarán también oportunidades de networking.
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón (IIS Aragón)
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, nº 13. 50009 - Zaragoza
Tfno. +34 976 71 64 17 | +34 976 71 44 02
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