La oficina de proyectos internacionales del IIS Aragón ha creado este boletín mensual mediante el cual se va a informar de las convocatorias de proyectos que se encuentran abiertas, los eventos y las jornadas que puedan resultar interesantes al respecto para el personal investigador y de gestión.
Si quieres contactar con la oficina de proyectos internacionales puedes hacerlo a través de esta dirección de correo electrónico: .
Convocatorias abiertas
Open as long as funding remains available
ISIDORe project is going under it's third and last year of implementation (ending January 2025) and EATRIS is offering the last set of REGULATORY & IMMUNOMONITORING TNA (trans-national access) services at NO COST! How to get these services?
Don't miss this unique and last opportunity to boost your research for free!
Full proposal
TRANSCAN-3 JTC2024: Combination therapies against cancer: new opportunities for translational research
El proyecto TRANSCAN-3, financiado por la UE para apoyar la investigación traslacional del cáncer de alto impacto, ha lanzado la 4ª convocatoria con el título “Combination therapies against cancer: new opportunities for translational research”, con la participación de 21 organismos de financiación de 16 países. Los investigadores españoles elegibles podrán ser financiados por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) y la Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (FCAECC).
El objetivo principal de esta convocatoria será el diseño de modelos preclínicos de pacientes para terapias combinadas.
The canSERV Consortium is pleased to announce the launch of its 2nd Challenge-Driven Call on “Reaching an Understanding of Cancer”. Cancer Researchers world-wide are invited to apply for free access to cutting-edge transnational services with an indicative overall budget for this call of EUR 750.000. The primary objective of this call is to accelerate research and enhance knowledge on the understanding of cancer.
The canSERV Consortium is pleased to announce the launch of its 3rd Challenge-Driven Call on "Revolutionising Cancer Patient Care: Innovative Approaches to Research and Clinical Trials for Improved Treatment Outcomes". Cancer Researchers world-wide are invited to apply for free access to cutting-edge transnational services with an indicative overall budget for this call of EUR 600,000. The primary objective of this call is to improving treatment and patients' outcome through innovative ways to address clinical trials and research.
In the scope of the EBRAINS 2.0 project, a set of four Open Calls were opened on June, that aim to integrate new data and workflows into EBRAINS.
This integration will enhance existing tools and thus foster innovation and collaboration, equal opportunities and ultimately accelerate progress in the field of neuroscience and brain health.
Additionally, workflows, models, and simulations developed within the consortium will be tested and validated by external partners to strengthen use cases and scientific excellence.
OC1: Integrating Spatial Omics Data into the EBRAINS Human Brain Atlas
OC2: Clinical Neuroscience
OC3: Promoting the neuroscientific use of EBRAINS 2.0 digital brain twins and simulation services
OC4: Recruiting large data collections for FAIR data sharing and analysis in EBRAINS
ERC-2024-ADG: ERC Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal. Advanced Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 500 000 for a period of 5 years (the maximum amount of the grants is reduced pro rata temporis for projects of a shorter duration).
HORIZON EUROPE – MSCA INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION 2024 HORIZON-MSCA-2024-INCO-01-01: Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
Broader and more strategic promotion of international cooperation opportunities offered through MSCA;
Monitoring progress, opportunities and challenges in MSCA bilateral and bi-regional cooperation with main international partner countries and regions;
Strengthening complementarities with other relevant promotion and cooperation initiatives funded through Horizon Europe or other EU programmes.
EU4H-2024-PJ-01-1: Call for proposals on the European Hub for vaccine development (HERA) - CP-g-24-10
EU4H-2024-PJ-01-2: Call for proposals for next-generation respiratory protection (HERA) - CP-g-24-11
EU4H-2024-PJ-01-3: Call for proposals to support innovative manufacturing technologies and processes in the Union for medicines production (HERA) - CP-g-24-12
EU4H-2024-PJ-01-4: Call for proposals to support the development of novel antivirals (HERA) - CP-g-24-105
EU4H-2024-PJ-2-1: Call for proposals: action grants on the safety and quality of new Substances of Human Origin (Breast milk, faecal microbiota transplants) (b) HS-g-23-50.02 Faecal microbiotic transplants (HS-g-23-50.02)
EU4H-2024-OG-FPA: Call for proposals for a Framework Partnership Agreement for operating grants (2025-2026) to non-governmental organisations.
HORIZON-MSCA-2024-PF-01-01 : Fellowships will be provided to excellent researchers undertaking international mobility. Applications will be made jointly by the researcher and a beneficiary in the academic or non-academic sector.
Postdoctoral Fellowships either can take place in Europe (i.e. in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country) or in a Third Country not associated to Horizon Europe:
European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to engage in R&I projects by either coming to Europe from any country in the world or moving within Europe. The standard duration of these fellowships must be between 12 and 24 months.
Global Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to European nationals or long-term residents[1] who wish to engage in R&I projects with organisations outside EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries. These fellowships require an outgoing phase of minimum 12 and maximum 24 months in a non-associated Third Country, and a mandatory 12-month return phase to a host organisation based in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country.
ERC-2024-POC: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research and are therefore available only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
The financial contribution will be awarded as a lump sum of EUR 150 000 for a period of 18 months.
HORIZON-EIC-2024-TRANSITIONOPEN-01: EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of your novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation.
HORIZON-EIC-2024-TRANSITIONOPEN-01: EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of your novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation.
HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-TALENTS-03-01 The ERA Talents action aims to boost interoperability of careers and employability of research and innovation talents across sectors, with a centre of gravity in Widening countries.
HORIZON-MSCA-2024-COFUND-01-01: MSCA COFUND co-finances new or existing doctoral programmes and postdoctoral fellowship schemes with the aim of spreading the best practices of the MSCA including international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as international and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.
Expresión interés
Full proposal
The AXA Chair is a highly selective funding scheme for senior researchers intended to support significant advancements in the development of a research area within a host institution that is in line with its long-term strategy. It aims at creating a full-time academic position in the host institution and fostering a step change in the career of the appointed AXA Professor.
EU4H-2024-PJ-02-3: call on the development of social services for psychosocial support and rehabilitation for children and their families in paediatric oncology clinics.
EU4H-2024-PJ-02-2: Call for proposals to increase health literacy for cancer prevention and care.
EU4H-2024-PJ-02-4: Call for proposals on EU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors.
Full proposal
ABR 2025
IHI: Innovative Health Initiative – Call 8
La Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) ha lanzado su convocatoria 8 de propuestas dirigidas a enfermedades cardiovasculares, osteoartritis, entornos regulatorios de prueba y “patient-centred endpoints”. La convocatoria está planteada en dos fases con los siguientes topics:
Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.
The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST.
Participants planning to submit a proposal for a COST Action will need to refer to the SESA guidelines and to the Open Call Announcement available on the Documents and Guidelines page.
HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-13-01: Implementation research for management of multiple long-term conditions in the context of non-communicable diseases (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases - GACD).
HORIZON-HLTH-2024-CARE-14-01: Pre-commercial procurement for environmentally sustainable, climate neutral and circular health and care systems.
HORIZON-MSCA-2024-DN-01-01: MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond. MSCA Doctoral Networks are indeed open to the participation of organisations from third countries, in view of fostering strategic international partnerships for the training and exchange of researchers.
Misión Cáncer: Primer seminario web del clúster de proyectos “Entender el cáncer” 4 de julio de 2024 | Más información
Nueva fecha: 4 de julio de 2024, de 09:30 a 12:30 horas
Este seminario web busca explorar la forma de trabajar juntos para hacer un mejor uso de los resultados de los proyectos en el área de la comprensión del cáncer.
Se pondrán en común las visiones de distintas partes interesadas y los ciudadanos sobre la investigación y la innovación, proporcionando una exposición temprana a los proyectos de clúster lanzados en el marco de la Misión del Cáncer.
Sesiones informativas y documentación de apoyo Convocatoria Proyectos Posdoctorales MSCA 2024 5 julio 2024 |Inscripción
Sesión online “Café con tu NCP” 05/07/2024 (fecha cambiada)
Sesión informal de resolución de dudas concretas sobre cuestiones predeterminadas abiertas al personal de gestión y supervisión de las instituciones españolas. Impartidos por los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto de MSCA.
EBRAIN - Information webinar 11 julio 2024 |Register
Are you interested in applying for the EBRAINS Open Calls? Make sure to attend our information webinar on 11 July from 10:00-10:30!
Webinar ERC-Synergy Grant 2025 18 julio 2024 |Registro
Para ayudar a preparar las solicitudes a la próxima convocatoria ERC-Synergy Grant 2025 que se prevé abrir el 11/07/2024 y cerrar el 06/11/2024, el jueves, 18 de julio de 2024 de 14:00-16:00h se va a realizar un webinar .
Este webinar no se grabará, pero las presentaciones quedarán accesibles posteriormente.
Se desarrollará en inglés y castellano indistintamente, según las preferencias de cada ponente.
Es necesario registrarse.
XXIX Seminario de Asesores de Proyectos de I+D+I de la UE - Horizonte Europa Del 14 al 17 octubre 2024 |Más información
CDTI organiza una nueva edición del Seminario de Asesores de Proyectos de I+D+I de la Unión Europea, con carácter de iniciación a este programa, que se celebrará en el Parador de La Granja (Segovia) del 14 al 17 de octubre (edición XXIX).
Este seminario está dirigido principalmente a organizaciones con capacidad de participación en Horizonte Europa, y en concreto, a personas cuya actividad fundamental sea el apoyo a la participación de entidades españolas en las actividades de investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación financiadas por la Unión Europea a través de Horizonte Europa e iniciativas relacionadas.
El objetivo último es que el Seminario permita a los asistentes adquirir las habilidades necesarias para asesorar a sus investigadores, a sus organizaciones, o a otras entidades, de cara a orientar y adecuar sus propuestas a las convocatorias de Horizonte Europa, trabajando en red con otras organizaciones. Adicionalmente, a aquellos asistentes familiarizados con los proyectos de I+D+I, el Seminario contribuye a capacitarles para la preparación y elaboración de propuestas en su ámbito de competencia.
Los interesados en participar deberán completar el formulario de preinscripción antes de las 23:00 horas del jueves 5 de septiembre de 2024.
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón (IIS Aragón)
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, nº 13. 50009 - Zaragoza
Tfno. +34 976 71 64 17 | +34 976 71 44 02
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